Friday, May 24, 2013

Weather for Sunday

I think we might have struck the motherload of wind for Sunday.......meaning that it's coming and it'll be great for drying a few loads of laundry that day.

Looking through a couple of forecasts we could be in for a 40 kmh North Westerly you just never quite know what angle or speed we will for the time frame of the event, which is approx 40 minutes.
At around 6 am it's not so windy, but by around midday the winds will be peaking.
The final event update will be posted above at 10 am tomorrow.......we won't cancel it either..........wind is good!

The long course could potentially be a 4 lap course inside Greta Point and the SUP course of 3km to 4km can quite easily run close to shore out of the main windstreams with some downwinds slightly further out.

IF WE CAN START ON TIME AT 10 AM SHARP we could beat the worst of the forecast.

The above options I'm just spit balling at this stage, in Wellington you never know just what we are going to get exactly till the morning of the event so course adjustments can be made then to make a positive course for waka ama, kayaks, surf skis and SUP's.

Please click on and read the event flyer on the right hand side of the page.

Photo of the event venue Cog Park / Hataitai Beach click on photo to enlarge

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chester,

    A lot of people wont know this yet but at 3pm this saturday on Sky 4, the Crazyman footage will be screened. Any chance you could flick up a quick note to inform all?

    Dave M.
