Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cold Kiwi Event TWO.... wrap up

A real chilly winter's morning greeted us all at registration.....but on the flip side a fine blue sky day and warmth was not too far away.....with the sun on our backs after the event well received on the shoreline....we just wanted to hang around at the beach for hours basking in the sunshine.

We're all about sharing the water with all watersports and today we skirted down the inside of the Rowers course.....which was unusually along the Petone Foreshore. The Harbour Masters Office Water Events calendar has been been great with frequent briefing on activities which helps our planning......and we are there to be flexible and make a workable course for all paddlers.

Today we had an option of heading over to Lowry Bay......we did have a sneaky look at it prior to registration...but the busy Seaview Marina and also fishing lines off the Seaview Wharf just didn't score well risk wise.

In the end we stuck to our meat and potatoes option - Giant Oars Seaview bridge and back for the short course.....and the long course we used this same course.....with lap 2 being Giant Oars to a buoy 50 metres before the Hutt River and back....this added a final lap of 3 km.

Event conditions : sheltered NW approx 25 kmh and 10 degrees C with the event being held on a high tide which was at 8:35 am

It's always great to see both new and old faces at our keep up the momentum you are all doing fantastically.

We had 3 spot prizes today - 2 x Adrenalin Thermal tops and 1 x Adrenalin thermal long pants they went to Danial Bremner, Neil O'Brien and Tyrone McAuley
Thank you to Dave Annear at Fergs Kayaks for allowing us to bring stock to size everyone up correctly

We still have to rectify the under supply of spot prizes at Event ONE in Porirua City so next time we head out there we'll have a nice light bright high performance Think Kayak PFD for the spot prize pool !

The next Welly Paddlers event is Sunday July 12......don't forget to look at the event calendar on the left of this page..... for Hikoikoi Matariki Event and the two winter series Paddling events in the Wairarapa.

We'll load photos on the Facebook Page within the next two's the link

Short course 4.5km

28:46 Logan McMillan MK
29:00 Rob Futter SS
30:14 Clark Townsley SS
37:18 Paula Napier W1
59:05 Traci Linders SUP

Long Course 7.5km

40:02 Andrew Cary SS
40:07 Blair Simpson MK
40:10 Danial Bremner SS
40:46 Les Morris MK
41:30 David McKnight SS
42:08 Kyle Christensen SS
42:39 Glenn Warner / Tom Bowen MK double
42:43 Dave Dellabarca MK
42:51 Hikoikoi mixed W6
43:50 Barton Fletcher SS
43:58 Jeff Booth SS
44:31 Colin Crampton SS
45:04 Jimmie Fourie SS
45:09 John Toomath SS
45:13 Neil O'Brien W1
45:26 Jono Alsop SS
45:37 James Sadler W1
46:24 Rueben Hill SS
47:13 Matt Penney MK
47:37 Tyrone McAuley SS
47:41 Karl Timu W1
50:37 Nicole Ranger MK
52:15 Trevor MacDonald SK

click on any photo to enlarge

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