Saturday, March 28, 2015

No posts on here...what's the story ???

Apologies this last 7 days have been so busy trying to squeeze so much in and the posts on here have suffered for it.....anyhow back on track now.

Monday a Porirua Grand Traverse meeting and the need to get out and promote the event to push entries along.

Tuesday Kupe Canoe Club ran the final twilight series event for the Summer and finished off with pizza and a BBQ 20 paddlers on the water could always do with more support there.

Wednesday working on surf ski ordering and communicating with Auckland and South Island paddlers and even managed to catch up on some work at home.....still more to do there.

Thursday "Paddling Connections" we had a quick paddle with some of the regulars and then Rueben and I did the "Better than TV" run kayak duathlon series...Rueben is a pro on the running front my legs did get a culture shock as I had't done any running since May last year.... but I survived it o.k.

Saturday (today) Kupe ran a downwind event from Petone to Hataitai Beach.......10.44 km........5 of us paddled to the that was a good loosener......quite flat with a 15 kmh Northerly but still a great paddle.
I did 55: 58 secs and the Flannery Bros in front on the double Fenn ski did a tick under 50 mins for the 10.44 km......something to improve on for next time....when the wind get up !

Tomorrow morning (Sunday) Welly Paddlers are running a time trial / recce on the "Porirua Grand Traverse" paddle starts at 8 am and it's being run on a 30 kmh - 45 kmh NNW

high tide 5 am.....low tide 12 noon

Thanks to my paddle supplier Corey Hogg from "Millenium Paddles" for the latest set of Pleaiades blades this time on an adjustable straight shaft.....anyone wanting to demo the paddle it's always with me as a spare set.

Sharlene was out paddling Stand Up with SUP.NZ at Petone this morning with Tracilee and Darryn she said the water was fantastic at 8 am at Petone.

Safety gear is a must for open ocean and Harbour paddles across the shipping lane.....must have's a Fluoro PFD (and you wear it !) leg leash, cellphone in waterproof pouch, hand held flare and buy yourself a VHF radio...well two of them......thanks to Fergs Kayaks.....the good thing about them is that they also float !

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