Sunday, August 18, 2013

Winter Series FIVE @ Ngati Toa

Thanks to Chris Fox for putting her hand up to run one of the Winter Series events today. Chris is usually based at Petone with the Hikoikoi Waka Ama Club, but today it was "an away event" in some ways due to uncertainty early in the week with the sometimes unfavourable southerly at Petone.

Today the SUP paddlers had a course that catered well for the skill level across the whole field. There are a number of skilled paddlers out there but it is important to run a course that newer or less experienced paddlers can handle, finish and enjoy a sense of achievement. Thanks to Chris Brown for his sensible input and making it an inclusive course for all who turned up. The SUPers started 1 minute behind the sit down paddlers and their course headed to the last channel marker turning and heading back under the bridges to the Pauatahanui inlet where they turned the green marker at Moorhouse Point (just before Browns Bay) then back to the finish.

The sit down paddlers course (was lost in translation with the first two W6 crews)........but the briefed course was out the channel anti clockwise around the inner reef, under both the road bridges leading to the Pauatahanui Inlet around the double orange buoy 20 metres from the bridge, back around the reef again then directly back to Ngati Toa.

The SUP paddlers finished their course in good time on a relatively straight forward and more sheltered course. The sit down paddlers, bar two people completed the offshore course which was reasonably well sheltered by the 20 kmh South Easterly.

Note: The Final event of the Winter Series has been shifted forward to September 8 and is being hosted by Joern again at Ngati Toa Domain.

Thanks to everyone for turning out today see you in 3 weeks time with all the spot prizes from Fergs Kayaks.

Below is another great video from today by Dave McKnight............ click on the photo to play.

SUP Men 5.3km
36:54 Rob Collins
38:44 Hans Wannemacher
39:40 Chris Brown
40:40 Stu Hiddleston
40:56 Brodie McGregor
42:40 John Ryks
43:01 Kark LeQuesne
44:49 Clarke Townsley
50:05 Karl Wannemacher

SUP Ladies 5.3km
51:16 Alexandra Murphy
67:31 Sharlene Winiata

surf ski/kayak 11 km

58:53 Chester Burt
59:00 Mike Tate
63:48 Paddy Urlich
66:02 Dave Ryde
69:50 Dave McKnight
70:38 Sandy Winterton
72:47 Graham Daniel
DNF Paul Coles

W6 11km
60:27 Inano
70:44 Hawaiki Nui
79:30 Streamers (Junior Boys)

W1 Men 11km
66:38 Laurence Hynes
69:28 Neil O'Brien
71:06 James Sadler
72:24 Karl Timu
73:07 Pa Taikato
73:15 George Fa'alogo

W1 Women 6.62km
49:28 Lei Faletolu

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