There are times when you can't buy product or merchandise locally so you have to look at overseas and buy online. Stewart O' Regan at Think Kayaks Australia runs a good online store through his website. If you're after a Hoodie, tee shirt, footplate pads or a range of Think know stuff we don't have in NZ..... go to his online shop While you are there check out
some of he articles on his website and also his facebook page. A bonus is that the NZ dollar is now just 12 cents behind the AUD so it's good time to make a Trans Tasman purchase!
Stew facilitated the first bunch of Think skis into New Zealand (which I had one of) and also the second bunch which is when I bought my Think Legend, he's a good mate and he looked after me
when I popped over for a visit to Sydney in April to demo the Ion. When I get some diamond images of Think skis I'll send them to Stew and also to Think New Zealand. It's not unusual for a Think paddler to live miles away from their closest retailer so we like to make sure we have stacks of photos of the skis to help people make up there minds.
Photos: Think merchandise and the foot pads that come standard with all skis this Season (You can buy pads online for your current ski) Surfing some upwind and downwind legs in Evans Bay today, The Think Ion and Think Uno Max side by side at Rose Bay in Sydney and my ski and Orka paddle in the Think Ultimate colour scheme.
Stew facilitated the first bunch of Think skis into New Zealand (which I had one of) and also the second bunch which is when I bought my Think Legend, he's a good mate and he looked after me
when I popped over for a visit to Sydney in April to demo the Ion. When I get some diamond images of Think skis I'll send them to Stew and also to Think New Zealand. It's not unusual for a Think paddler to live miles away from their closest retailer so we like to make sure we have stacks of photos of the skis to help people make up there minds.
click on any photo to enlarge
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